
Jun 13, 2016

How to Quickly Enhance A Boring Picture With Only Two Steps!

This is the original photograph.
It was taken at sunset pointing away from the actual sun and toward this lake, causing the colors to be less vibrant. The colors had to be sacrificed to get this shot looking over the water, however, it is easier than you may think to bring them back.

The first step is contrast.

Bringing up the contrast will add depth and feeling to the clouds and water as well as bring out a bit more color.

Contrast alone won't cut it, though.

Your last step is to bring up the saturation.

But not too much!

You can also select certain colors to bring out more if you have a program that allows you to do so.

Those are the only two steps you need to do for basic photo editing and enhancement. There are, of course, many other things you can tweak and play with, but those are the main things that will help you to improve your photograph.

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