
Apr 23, 2016

An Evening Fishing Trip

I'm not one that gets particularly exited about fishing, however the spots that are around for fishing can be some great places for photography, especially at sunset. So when my brother mentioned that he was going fishing, I decided to tag along with my camera. I'd been trying to get down to a good spot to take some sunset pictures for a while and my brother's fishing spot served well for this purpose.
We decided to walk since it was warm outside and not far from the house. Fifteen minutes after leaving, we arrived at a nature park that had tons of people gathered at picnic tables and the lake with fishing gear. We took quite a long walk around until we found a place to settle at: a long deck that sat on the lake with some benches along the edge.
My brother set out to fishing and I pulled out my tripod and got to setting up my camera.
The sun was beginning to set by this point, so I adjusted my camera settings and went to shooting. The park was relatively quiet besides the chirping of birds and occasional shout from someone near the bait shop.
We were sharing the dock with a couple who were also fishing, although we mostly ignored each other. The sky was taking its time to bring out the colors I knew were coming, and I was beginning to wonder if I'd be able to capture the best part as we had to be home by eight. Fifteen minutes to eight and the sunset was just starting to turn the brightest hues of orange and pink. We left the dock just as the sky was lighting up with a beautiful sunset. I couldn't pass up the chance, even if we would be late, so I pulled out my camera again and snapped a few more photographs.

Back in our neighborhood, I decided to start recording a random video. I'm not sure why, it was just something to do while we walked. So a guy came driving down the road in his car and I caught the car on my camera. My brother was joking about how the guy was going to yell at us now, but when he turned around and started heading back toward us we realized he might actually do just that. He was driving straight toward us so we quickly crossed the street, unsure if he intended to stop. Luckily, he wasn't trying to kill us; he parked the car and got out.
"Hey, what are you guys doing?" He asked.
We told him we were only filming a video and he was chill from there. "Okay cool!" He replied. "Well, dig it!"
Relieved, we walked away, trying to contain the urge to laugh.
By now we were out of time, so we rushed home and made it back ten minutes past eight. We had failed our goal, but at least I'd come back with some nice sunset photos.

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