
Apr 20, 2016

Four Types of Photographers

Note: Most of these are exaggerated for the purpose of emphases. 

1. The Tourist
This is the person that walks around with an iPhone snapping pictures of everything they see. They will probably be seen taking several selfies as well and may ask someone passing by to take a photo for them. They may not have the most artful and amazing photographs, but the memories they capture are beautiful to them.

2. The Wanna-Be
The wanna-be photographer is anyone who has a camera and calls their pictures photography, yet knows nothing about photography. They may even have an expensive camera, but they don't know what ISO, aperture, or even shutter speed are. They make no effort to learn about photography and simply want to take pictures and feel good about themselves with the assurance that they're a 'photographer'. With a little work, effort, and thirst for knowledge, they could become good photographers.

3. The Newcomer 
Almost all photographers start out as this person. They're just starting to scratch the surface of photography and are trying out many different styles. You can usually spot a newcomer if they're lugging around 30 pounds of camera gear for a simple photo shoot. Because they aren't quite sure what they're doing, many times they will bring extra gear that they will never actually use for that shoot. They may also try shooting pictures using only one hand on the camera or using the built-in flash. The newcomers will soon learn from their mistakes and blossom into better photographers.

 4. The Professional
 As the name suggests, this is the professional photographer. The one that has a few $1,000,000 cameras and lots of expensive lenses. They have their own studio, a Facebook page for their business, and spend all day doing photography and keeping up their business. 

(Some images from this post are the property of and I claim no rights to them)

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