
Apr 20, 2016

The Golden Hour

 The golden hour, a 'sacred' time for photographing, casts beautiful golden light on everything it touches. The golden hour is shortly before the sun sets and shortly after it rises. 


For this shoot, I went out with my little sister when the sun was low in the sky, but not quite setting. For me, this was about at 7:00pm. It was cold outside so I decided to find a blanket to use both for my sister's comfort and as an interesting touch to the photo. I found a blanket that suited my needs and we headed to the front of our house where there was a tall bush. Because the sun was directly shining on my sister's face, she was constantly squinting into the camera. To fix this, I focused the camera and then instructed her to close her eyes and open them only when I told her to. This gave her the ability to have her eyes open in a normal fashion just long enough to snap the picture. Another effective method was using her hand to block the sun; however, this would only work for one pose.

When photographing during the golden hour, it's important to think about what kind of light you want to use in your images.
If you're looking for a silhouette effect, shooting toward the sun is how you would want to approach it.
If you are going for a more front-lit photo with the subject showing more detail, you would want to shoot away from the sun.
Also, watch for shadows. It can be fun to play around with the shadows you can create, but be sure that you're aware of them. Don't forget that where you set the camera will effect what shadows are cast on your subject.

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