
Apr 20, 2016

Senior Portrait Session

My first session taking professional senior portraits was at a forest preserve park. I was shooting my brother for his high school graduation pictures. Most of the time I shot at 55mm with an aperture of F5.6. Because it was so bright outside, I shot with a low ISO and a high shutter speed. This allowed for low noise in the images and totally frozen motion in the photographs.

 For senior portraits, the student you're photographing is going to want a photo that reflects their personality in some way. In this case my brother loves coming to this park to fish by the lake and river. He also has a particular love for a spot a little ways off a path through the woods. To reflect this, we took the photos by some of his favorite fishing spots and the places that he loved most in the park.

Because his childhood was filled with time spent in the forests of New York climbing trees, my brother really wanted to have a photo that included lots of trees. The forest preserve was the perfect place.

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