
May 10, 2016

Photographing Animals

Animals are a difficult subject to photograph. They're always moving around and they don't understand what you're doing when you point a camera at them. If they're wild animals, they can be easily scared. Domesticated animals are the easiest live animals to photograph because of this reason, however they can still be a challenge. 

Here are some tips for both:


  • Have some form of food to bribe the animal with. Something that you know they like. If your pet cooperates, give them a treat to reward them. This will encourage them to continue behaving for you.
  • Allow them some freedom to find a comfortable position. Don't try to cram them into a terribly uncomfortable place as it will cause them to become more restless and begin wanting to get out of the situation. Allow them to find a position they like. This will give you a more natural photograph and make it easier for you because they will be more likely to stay still.

  • Don't get frustrated or angry with them. They don't know why you want them to stay so still and they don't understand what that thing you're pointing at them is. Give them a little slack. 
  • Do not use flash. Flash will startle them and make them even more uncomfortable. It will also cause them to blink in reaction to the bright light, which could cause your photograph to be a half blinking animal.

  • Use a telephoto lens if they are an animal that you cannot pick up and touch. Most animals will fall into this category. The only exception is if the animal lets you approach and touch it without showing any signs of anxiety. Very few animals will allow this, so using a telephoto lens allows you to stay at a comfortable distance and still capture the animal as if if you were closer to them.
  • Don't make any sudden movements. Sudden movements will scare them, and if they're scared, they will run away. Well, you can kiss that awesome photo you were about to take goodbye.
  • Don't make loud noises. This is for the same reason as above. Loud noises can scare wild animals and they will run away from you.

  • Once again, don't use your flash. This is even more important with wild animals. The flash will scare them, and with prey animals, such a bright, traumatizing light could even give them a heart attack. Small animals that are hunted by predators often will have a heart attack if they get scared enough because it allows them to miss the pain of being eaten if they're caught by a predator. 
  • Be patient. You cant expect to get that perfect photograph right away. Be patient and don't give up. You may have to sit in one place for an hour or more just to get one good photo. Don't be afraid to wait for the right moment.

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