
May 4, 2016

There are Rabbits Living in My Yard!

I saw this rabbit outside my house just sitting in the yard like a statue; grabbing my camera and popping on a telephoto lens, I put the camera on a tripod and took a few shots of the animal. It was hard to get a good angle from my position, so I went around the house and approached the rabbit outside. Because my lens zoomed to 300mm I could stay relatively far away and still get a good shot.
The rabbit had clearly spotted me and it was watching me carefully for any threatening moves I might make. My little brother came running out to see and the frightened animal became even more tens. She watched us carefully, ready to run at a split second's notice. But something seemed to be stopping her. My two younger sisters and mom approached the scene and that was all the warning that rabbit needed. She bolted toward the nearby tree line faster than I could click the shutter button, but then she stopped and just stared at us.
As we drew closer to the spot she'd been sitting, we became aware that there was a nest. The reason the rabbit had stayed so long, and was watching us now, was because she was looking out for five adorable baby rabbits.

The babies were burrowed into a warm and comfy hole in the ground and covered with a soft blanket of their mother's fur.

After a few photographs, I left them alone to wait for the return of their mother in the soft interior of their tiny home.

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