
May 31, 2016

Should You Keep Your Kit Lens?

Many people believe that because the kit lens comes with their camera and is so cheap, it must not be good for much of anything. The standard 18-55mm kit lens, however, can be a very useful lens if it is in the right hands. 
Here's a list of pros and cons for this lens.

If you're a beginner, having a kit lens can be very useful to you. It doesn't zoom further than 55mm, so, while it may be helpful to zoom further, you will not have to deal with as much camera shake due to the short focal length.

The widest setting, 18mm, is great for landscape and wider shots.
So should you keep your kit lens? Well, that's for you to decide. If you don't have many lenses yet, keeping it may be a wise idea. However, if you already have several other lenses that you find yourself using more often, selling your kit lens could be beneficial as long as your other lenses can still meet your needs.

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